June 09, 2006

Morning Sentinel Edits For Content (in spite of what they say)

About three weeks ago now, Colby Professor, James Finney Boylan (who now goes by Jenny Boylan) wrote in his regular column for the Central Maine Morning Sentinel a piece about the DaVinci Code. He was musing about what the sequel to the DaVinci code might look like. His column was, I suppose, to be amusing but it was, almost needless-to-say, highly offensive.

I wrote a letter to the editor saying in brief that even though Christian fundamentalists are often compared to Muslim fundamentalists—meaning we are mean, hateful, narrow and implied—of the same cloth as the murderous Muslims who kill with impunity.

I wrote in my letter stating that the very fact that the Sentinel would publish Boylan’s piece—so offensive to Christians—that it reveals such comparisons of Christians to Muslims as ludicrous. For if they truly believed that, they would be in hiding for fear of their lives like Salmon Rushdie, and more recently, like the publishers of the cartoon poking fun at Muhammad.

But the name of Jesus, is categorically blasphemed in the media on pretty much a daily basis. No one ever fears some angry Christian will decapitate them. The reason is simple—unlike Islam that teaches the faithful to kill unbelievers—Jesus teaches Christians to pray for them. Christian fundamentalists are nothing like Muslim fundamentalists.

What was interesting was that the Sentinel edited the one sentence in my piece making the comparison. This is the sentence they removed:

“For if they truly believed that, they would be in hiding for fear of their lives like Salmon Rushdie, and more recently, like the publishers of the cartoon poking fun at Muhammad.”

My letter was well under the acceptable length, and the sentence was not redundant. It was merely the “closer” of my argument and they saw fit to remove it. Which means they edited my letter for content—something the paper insists they do not do.

So this is to serve as a heads up that even when reading letters, you cannot be assured that what you are reading is what was written. Such is the power of the press—and such is the freedom of speech to the hypocrites who own the presses.

No matter, for one day, Jesus is coming back, and then the unedited truth will be revealed. It is my hope of hopes that the likes of the lost who today trample and disparage the holiness of Christ will before its too late, turn their hearts to the One who gave it all for—them!


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