CNN Presents Mocumentary on the Two Mary's
The perpetual assault against a biblical faith continues right down the line with another stellar presentation on the two Mary's in Jesus' life. Over the holidays, CNN presented what was supposed to be a documentary of sorts with the usual gathering of “scholars” and “theologians” each who present their own opinions on Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdelene. Predictable as usual, it was presented with a pretense of scholarly objectivity and rigorous investigation. One scholar after another gave their sentiments on various aspects of the subject matter which, I suppose to the uninitiated, appeared, well--scholarly.
But it was the biggest pile of speculation and wild conjecture surpassed only by another pile of theoretical speculation called evolution. The reason I use that allusion is that evolution begins with a minute particle of truth and constructs from that particle, a model that is preposterous, but fits a predetermined idea. At the end they always fit the facts to the model—just the opposite of how science is supposed to work.
In CNN’s presentation I noted every person who appeared on the documentary. Here’s the inventory. There were eight scholars/theologians who appeared this is the breakdown of their academic/spiritual credentials: Harvard, Fordham, Vanderbuilt, Vatican, Chapman U., Asbury, Princeton and Gregorian University.
These types of programs usually play the game of at least having one token Bible believing Christian as part of the mix but there was not a single evangelical in the bunch.
That is not mere coincidence but is intentionally diluting out truth so as to deceive the populace who might be truly searching.
So I wonder how many people watched this, were wowed by the degrees behind people’s names and walked away thinking, “See, I knew it was all a crock. It’s little more than a bunch of people trying to find answers to life’s harder questions so they created something that worked for them. I’ll just have to keep searching.” And so they walk away thinking they have understood the Christian faith and rightly reject what they found.
G.K. Chesterton said it well years ago. “It’s not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting; it is that Christianity has been largely untried. What people have rejected is not Christianity but a caricature.”
But it was the biggest pile of speculation and wild conjecture surpassed only by another pile of theoretical speculation called evolution. The reason I use that allusion is that evolution begins with a minute particle of truth and constructs from that particle, a model that is preposterous, but fits a predetermined idea. At the end they always fit the facts to the model—just the opposite of how science is supposed to work.
In CNN’s presentation I noted every person who appeared on the documentary. Here’s the inventory. There were eight scholars/theologians who appeared this is the breakdown of their academic/spiritual credentials: Harvard, Fordham, Vanderbuilt, Vatican, Chapman U., Asbury, Princeton and Gregorian University.
These types of programs usually play the game of at least having one token Bible believing Christian as part of the mix but there was not a single evangelical in the bunch.
That is not mere coincidence but is intentionally diluting out truth so as to deceive the populace who might be truly searching.
So I wonder how many people watched this, were wowed by the degrees behind people’s names and walked away thinking, “See, I knew it was all a crock. It’s little more than a bunch of people trying to find answers to life’s harder questions so they created something that worked for them. I’ll just have to keep searching.” And so they walk away thinking they have understood the Christian faith and rightly reject what they found.
G.K. Chesterton said it well years ago. “It’s not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting; it is that Christianity has been largely untried. What people have rejected is not Christianity but a caricature.”