October 26, 2006

Same Tune, Different lyrics

Sometimes I feel like a broken record. I know many of these commentaries have familiar themes or even identical themes played to a different tune. But I also know that unfortunately, the heart and mind of man is exceedingly quick to forget what happened just a couple days before.
So when we hear of incredible scandals, horrific news, and even major tragedies, it truly is “out of sight; out of mind.” I really believe that if we showed the morning of Sept. 11th 2 or three times per year, our resolve concerning many issues would be quite different. But that’s not the world we live in so I keep bringing new examples of the same old problems to show that nothing has changed for the better and usually something has changed for the worse.
That’s why I have to tell you about Luis Padilla—a Christian who works—uh, worked for Cargill. His offense? Apparently he had signs on his truck—his privately owned truck, in support of a proposed state constitutional amendment to protect marriage that will appear on November's ballot. The horrible signs read, "Marriage -- Vote Yes."
You probably could hum the tune from this point on. Other employees did not share his view and complained so the company ordered him to remove the signs—from his own vehicle. Padilla refused and was fired.
Now here’s what I love. The company spokesman said, "He was asked to do something relatively simple -- remove from his truck two signs that several employees complained about. He did not do that." “He wasn’t fired for his political views but for insubordination.” Nice try.
Well, I truly hope Padilla pursues this and if he does I am confident he will win—eventually. It’s not the final disposition that concerns me but the fact that it happened and is not uncommon. The Bill of Rights applies to everyone not just to liberals, homosexuals, criminals, pedophiles and perverts. So while we are Christians living in a country of laws, we have every right--dare I say an obligation--even under a Biblical rubric, to challenge such injustices.
So Cargill, get those pocket books open; first to pay your lawyers and then to pay Mr. Padilla because this one—even in our warped nation is a slam dunk—at least for the time being.


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