December 13, 2006

Mass. High School No Longer Publishing Honor Roll

A story out of our neighboring state to the south finds Paul Richards—Principal of Needham High School bring a halt to the publication of the names of honor roll attainees in the local newspaper.

“Richards said a key reason for stopping the practice is its contribution to students' stress level in ‘This high expectations-high-achievement culture.’"

Mind you, according to this “expert” in child development the stress in children’s lives today is NOT because they are brainwashed incessantly that to be normal and healthy they have to be dressing 5-8 years beyond their age, must weigh less than moth, must have the latest and greatest video game, must have their own cell phone and of course their own sexual experience with the male or female of their choice.

The stress in these kid’s lives today is NOT because either they, or a best friend of theirs has only one parent with whom they can live at any given time. The stress in these kid’s lives is NOT because they suffer from a deficiency in reliable and honor-worthy adults in their lives, and that they have nothing worthwhile to live for. No, the stress in their lives is due to our “high expectations—high achievement culture.”

Richards said publishing of the honor roll represented "an unhealthy focus on grades."

Now mind you this is coming from one who has been raised up in the genetic make up of the National Education Association whose two main reasons for existing it seems is to support godless causes with extorted funds from unwilling teachers, and to insure job security no matter how ill equipped, and uneducated the teacher is in their subject matter.

In other words, competent performance is a scurrilous concept. No wonder Richards doesn’t want to focus on the students’ ability to master subject matter; that would place the student above the typical teacher.

Principal Richards needs to be horse whipped if only to improve my self-esteem if not his. There is nothing wrong with healthy competition and healthy recognition for a job well done.

If someone else succeeding makes another feel jealous or inadequate, they have a choice to respond by working harder or they can claim victimization by an unjust system. We are seeing too clearly the consequence of the victim culture and this plays right into it.

Enough already!


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